With this practical guide, those who care for children’s physical and mental health will learn how to identify and address social drivers of health (SDOH), also sometimes referred to as social determinants of health. The expert contributors present evidence-based tools to screen for SDOH, as well as strategies on how to care for children and families affected by different social stressors. This book offers real-world guidance that is easily implemented in a variety of settings. Available for purchase at https://www.aap.org/Social-Drivers-of-Health-Implications-for-Clinical-Practice-Paperback
1: Introduction
Published:February 2025
Sandra F. Braganza, MD, MPH, FAAP, Kevin P. Fiori, MD, MPH, MS, FAAP, "Introduction", Social Drivers of Health: Implications for Clinical Practice, American Academy of Pediatrics, Sandra F. Braganza, MD, MPH, FAAP, Kevin P. Fiori, MD, MPH, MS, FAAP
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Social drivers of health (SDOH), also referred to as social determinants of health, have been the focus of our collective professional careers, including educational, scholarly, and administrative pursuits both in the United States and around the world. As we conceived and planned this book, there were a series of key questions that were critical to consider before embarking on this process. Essentially, we needed to be clear about the why, who, and how—with emphasis on who was going to use the book. Knowing there are textbooks on the subject, we decided to create a resource to support...
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