The percentage of pediatric visits during which children with asthma received optimal care increased from 42% to 75% in first six months of phase 3 of the Chapter Quality Network (CQN) Asthma Project (see graphic).
CQN works at the practice, chapter and national levels to improve quality of care and outcomes for children with asthma at a population level using evidence-based guidelines. Clinicians, practices and chapters use quality improvement (QI) methodology to set goals; assess barriers; test interventions and processes; work toward embedding changes into their workflow; and track their progress using a registry.
Teams of clinicians from Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona and Ohio are participating in the third phase of CQN called the Accelerating Improved Care for Children with Asthma Program. Optimal asthma care by pediatricians is defined as assessing asthma control, using a stepwise approach to identify treatment options or adjust treatment, having an up-to-date asthma action plan and...