Leading social science and media researchers, pediatricians, thought leaders and representatives from key partner organizations convened in May to discuss how children and adolescents interact with the rapidly evolving digital universe. The “Growing Up Digital: Media Research Symposium,” funded by the AAP Friends of Children Fund, was the culmination of efforts by the AAP Children, Adolescents and Media Leadership Work Group and the AAP Council on Communications and Media to address children, adolescents and the media as a strategic priority plank on the AAP Agenda for Children. Research evidence presented is expected to help inform the development of recommendations for pediatricians and parents. Six panels covered myriad media topics, including Early Learning and Media Use in the Very Young (above). Pictured left to right: Moderator Rachel Barr, Ph.D., project director, Georgetown Early Learning Project, Georgetown University; Ellen Wartella, Ph.D., professor of communication and psychology, Northwestern University; Jody Sherman LeVos, Ph.D.,...

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