Vision screening represents one of the most sensitive techniques for the detection of eye abnormalities in children. Pediatricians, family physicians, school nurses and public-health vision-screening personnel have used a variety of criteria in determining which children require comprehensive eye evaluation by ophthalmologists. The AAP Section on Ophthalmology, in cooperation with the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (AAPOS), and the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), have developed guidelines for use by all pediatric vision screening professionals in order to standardize the process of screening and detect children with eye abnormalities who might be overlooked by less stringent or inconsistent guidelines. These guidelines represent a first effort at a national standard for vision screening to be utilized by physicians, nurses, educational institutions, public-health departments, and other childhood vision evaluation sources. The Section on Ophthalmolgy, in cooperation with the AAP Committee on Practice and Ambulatory Medicine, and the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, will be publishing a guide for applying these guidelines at a later date.
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AAP Policy Statement|
January 01 1995
Proposed Vision Screening Guidelines
AAP News (1995) 11 (1): 25.
Proposed Vision Screening Guidelines. AAP News January 1995; 11 (1): 25. 10.1542/11.1.25
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