Reports of melamine contamination of infant formula in China have raised concerns of tainted products spreading to the United States.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has stated that there is no known threat of contamination of infant formula manufactured by companies that have met the requirements to sell such products in the United States. However, the following is a list of companies and their products being recalled because of detected melamine contamination:

  • All flavors of Koala March Cookies. Distributed nationwide and to Canada through wholesale distributors and retail stores. The products are packaged in a plastic overwrap.

  • YILI Brand Sour Milk Drink. Distributed to New York City through Asian retail grocery stores and packaged in 250 ml flexible paperboard boxes with blue, red and green Chinese writing. There is a picture of an Asian man in a green shirt and white tie.

  • YILI Brand Pure Milk Drink. Distributed to New York City through Asian retail grocery stores and packaged in 250 ml flexible paperboard boxes with black, red and white writing in English and Chinese. There is a picture of two cows playing a sport on the face of the box.

  • Blue Cat Flavor Drink. Sold nationwide in Asian grocery stores, the product comes in 100 ml plastic bottles with a logo of blue cat on the back of the bottle and the word “blue cat” in Chinese on the front.

  • White Rabbit Candy. Sold through wholesale distributors to retail stores in California, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Minnesota, New York, Oregon, Texas and Washington.

  • Mr. Brown instant coffee and milk tea products. Mr. Brown 3-in-1 and 2-in-1 powdered packets were sold in plastic bags, each containing 30 individual packets. Flavors include Mandheling Blend, Arabica, Blue Mountain Blend, Caramel Macchiato, French Vanilla and Milk Tea.

Consumers should stop using these products and return them to the place of purchase for a refund.