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FYI: Join the senior section, download a free parenting magazine, and more :

July 27, 2018

What’s your membership story?

All section members are invited to share how AAP membership adds value to their personal or professional life.

As a member of the Section on Critical Care, James D. Fortenberry, M.D., FAAP, found value in education as well as the work to establish critical care medicine bundled codes to ensure appropriate payment. “The small investment in your specialty’s section can bring invaluable returns,” he said.

Dr. Forenberry’s story is among several submissions shared on the right side of every section page.

Members are encouraged to submit stories at, then share them on Twitter and Facebook.

Senior members: Join, reactivate section membership

Approaching retirement? Join more than 2,200 members in the Section on Senior Members.

Senior members maintain their connection to AAP activities and colleagues, receive a quarterly Senior Bulletin, participate in the section’s educational program at the annual AAP National Conference & Exhibition, and access retirement resources and webinars.

To join the section, members must be in good standing and over 55 years old. Dues are free for those who have changed their membership category to Senior Member and $20 for those in other membership categories. To be eligible for the Senior Member category, you must be in good standing and age 70 or older, or a member over age 65 who no longer derives income from professional activities. To change your membership category, visit (login required).

Complete the online form to join or activate section membership: (login required). Questions? Email [email protected] or call 630-626-6065.

Medical home webinars, report

“Where the Rubber Meets the Road — Conversations about Innovative and Promising Practices in Pediatric Medical Home Implementation” is a pre-recorded, audio-only, two-episode e-Learning series developed by the National Center for Medical Home Implementation (NCMHI). Faculty from a large urban medical center, a small rural private practice, a small suburban clinic and a statewide medical home initiative share ways to advance the family-centered medical home.

“Measure What Matters: Advancing Multidisciplinary Care Coordination in Primary and Subspecialty Care Settings” from the NCMHI and National Center for Care Coordination Technical Assistance is a two-part recorded webinar series that features the experiences of diverse health care providers. Faculty describe objectives for measuring care coordination, experiences in implementing a measurement tool and the implications of capturing the value of care coordination.

Innovative and Promising Practices in Pediatric Medical Home Implementation Summary Report features strategies from practices across the U.S., particularly those with special health care needs and medically underserved communities.

Access webinars at Access the report at

HPV prevention award nominations

Aug. 10 is the deadline to submit entries for the HPV Vaccine Is Cancer Prevention Champion Award. The award recognizes clinicians, clinics, practices, groups and health systems for community efforts to foster HPV vaccination among adolescents. Up to one award winner from each state (50), territories (eight) and the District of Columbia will be announced in October. Enter at

Free parenting magazine

Parents: download Healthy Children e-magazine for free in English or Spanish. The August issue gives tips on how to be a good role model to help kids learn in school, healthy school lunch ideas, helping children in military families transition to a new school and what vaccines are recommended by age. Visit

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