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FYI: Mental health video, coding webinar, and more :

December 2, 2016

Mental health priorities video series

The Implementing Mental Health Priorities in Practice: Strategies to Engage Patients and Families video series on Pediatric Care Online,, explains motivational interviewing or brief intervention to elicit accurate mental health information and create behavior change in patients. The videos demonstrate the techniques during patient/family encounters that include difficult conversations about six key mental health topics.

Learn about free-trial subscriptions of Pediatric Care Online for residents and pediatricians at To subscribe, visit

Coding webinar on pediatric hospital care

In just 60 minutes, learn how to code for hospital-based services, including newborn care, transferring care, procedures, split/shared billing and residents. Coding for Pediatric Hospital Care Services will be streamed live at noon CT on Dec. 14, with an archive available. Cost is $134.95. Register at For information on other coding webinars, visit

AAP national committee appointments 

Nominations are being accepted through Feb. 24 (midnight Central Time) to fill positions for AAP national committee members with terms starting July 1.

Nominations must be submitted to the AAP headquarters office and to the nominee’s chapter president and executive director. To submit nominations to the Academy, email [email protected] or fax 847-228-5027 (attention: 2017 Applications – AAP National Committees). Visit the AAP National Committee Nomination page for chapter contact information: (AAP login required). Nominees will be notified of appointment status in June.


  • Red Book Atlas of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, 3rd Edition, helps diagnose and treat more than 100 common diseases and includes more than 1,300 full-color images (MA0805; members: $79.95),
  • Beyond Screen Time revised brochure,
  • Perinatal Continuing Education Program (PCEP) Package (PC0023; members: $180),
  • 2017 Nelson’s Pediatric Antimicrobial Therapy, 23rd Edition, (MA0809; members: $31.95),
  • Visual Diagnosis of Child Abuse, 4th Edition, available as a USB flash drive,
  • Medicolegal and Telephone Care Package, (MA0807; members: $153.85),
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