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FYI: New patient handouts, PREP products, coding newsletter, and webinars :

November 1, 2020

New Pediatric Patient Education handouts

When parents ask about safe sleep, immunizations, influenza or starting solid foods, be ready to answer them with new Pediatric Patient Education handouts available in 13 languages.

Translations are offered in Arabic, Bengali, Chinese (Mandarin), French, Haitian Creole, Hmong, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Somali, Vietnamese and Spanish. Support for these translations was provided by the AAP Friends of Children Fund.

More than 800 pediatric health care handouts and collections are available in Pediatric Patient Education,including over 300 Spanish resources. Subscribe at

AAP Pediatric Coding Newsletter

A must-have resource, the AAP Pediatric Coding Newsletter offers articles explaining the 2021 Evaluation and Management coding changes and guides coders and pediatricians in assessing how their practices will be affected in terms of documentation and code selection.

The monthly print and online publication provides proven coding strategies, tips and techniques to guide you through the toughest coding and payment challenges. Get a free sample issue and subscribe at

2021 PREP products

Preorder your 2021 PREP subscription for general or subspecialty pediatrics. AAP PREP Self-Assessments deliver case-based scenarios that mirror patient encounters. Subscribe now for access to content in January at

Pediatric Care Online webinars

Check out these webinars available on Pediatric Care Online (PCO) from Brian Stotter, M.D., FAAP, of Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis.

  • Acute Kidney Injury in Children addresses how to formulate a differential diagnosis for causes of acute kidney injury based on clinical and laboratory findings.
  • Hematuria in Children identifies causes of hematuria in children and evaluates the source of hematuria based on history, physical exam and diagnostics.
  • Pediatric Hypertension explains how to define and confirm elevated blood pressure and hypertension in children and reviews common causes of hypertension in children across age ranges.

All PCO webinars are archived at

For a free one-month trial, visit Mead Johnson Nutrition is the founding sponsor of Pediatric Care Online.

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