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FYI: Resources for navigating flu, COVID-19, and more :

October 1, 2020

Online influenza resources for your practice

Looking for answers as you navigate influenza season during the COVID-19 pandemic?

The AAP has resources in a variety of formats to support pediatricians, pediatric medical subspecialists and pediatric surgical specialists working to make sure their patients receive influenza vaccine and keep patients, families and practice teams safe.

On the AAP website, find links to virtual townhall webinars featuring panelists sharing practice tips as well as everything you need to know to set up drive-through flu clinics.

An FAQ section addresses key points from the AAP influenza policy, important practice points on the Vaccines for Children program and details about testing for influenza, respiratory syncytial virus and COVID-19. Visit

COVID-19 handouts

Pediatric Patient Education has a collection of one-page printable handouts that answer common questions and concerns from parents and caregivers about COVID-19. All handouts come in English and Spanish. Topics include:

  • Cloth Face Coverings for Children During COVID-19,
  • COVID-19: Infant Formula Advice,
  • Getting Children Outside While Social Distancing for COVID-19,
  • Co-Parenting Through COVID-19: Putting Your Children First and
  • Teens and COVID-19: Challenges and Opportunities During the Outbreak.

Pediatric Patient Education includes more than 800 pediatric health care handouts, with more than 300 in Spanish, on topics for well-child visits from birth through young adulthood. Find out more at

Transition to adult health care

Got Transition, the federally funded national resource center on health care transition, recently launched Six Core Elements of Health Care Transition 3.0. Clinicians can use the tools to help youths and young adults implement the health care transition process. The collection includes measurement tools and customizable sample tools in English and Spanish.

The Got Transition website also offers new toolkits, online quizzes, FAQs and more. Visit

Free education series

PediaLink has a free education series on Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) that includes five webinars about emerging therapies related to the care and management of DMD.

The series covers common issues affecting children with DMD and the role of pediatricians, other physicians, nonphysician clinicians and allied health professionals in providing coordinated care for individuals living with DMD.

Participants can earn AMA PRA Category 1 credit and Maintenance of Certification Part 2 credit. Visit

Call for president-elect candidates

The AAP National Nominating Committee is calling for members interested in being considered as a candidate for AAP president-elect to submit a biographical summary by 11:59 p.m. CST Oct. 9. Apply at Email questions to [email protected].

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