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FYI: Screen-Free Week resources :

May 2, 2016

Encourage children and families to take a break from digital entertainment and reconnect with the world around them during Screen-Free Week, May 2-8.

The AAP Council on Communications and Media offers a collection of educational resources at, and a recent AAP News article “Beyond turn it off” outlines tips to advise families on media use (

The Pediatrics for the 21st Century (Peds 21) program on Oct. 21 prior to the AAP National Conference & Exhibition in San Francisco will focus on “The Medium Is the Message: How Electronic Media Are Transforming Our Patients’ World.” The half-day conference will go in-depth on the role of media in children’s lives. Find details at

Download Screen-Free Week handouts in English ( and Spanish ( Access other materials from the Campaign for Commercial-Free Childhood at

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