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FYI: Well-child visit support, disaster improvement projects, and more :

January 3, 2018

Pediatric Care Onlinehas Bright Futures tables

Have you seen what’s new on Pediatric Care Online? Bright Futures Medical Screening Reference Tables offer quick support for well-child visits for patients ages 0-21 years. Each table compiles relevant history, risk assessment questions and action to take if the risk assessment shows a positive result.

Visit for information or to subscribe to Pediatric Care Online. Request a free one-month trial at

Projects, ideas to improve pediatric disaster preparedness

Get familiar with disaster preparedness projects and find out how others are improving their pediatric disaster preparedness.

Six AAP chapters and one district were approved to receive support in 2017 to implement state-level activities designed to improve pediatric infectious disease and natural disaster emergency preparedness. The AAP-supported funding was offered to AAP chapters, states and regions in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Children’s Preparedness Unit. Visit the AAP State Preparedness webpage to see descriptions of the project’s activities and link to contact information,

Looking for ways to help support your community’s pediatric disaster preparedness efforts? Visit the AAP Children and Disasters website, Request to receive mailing list updates at [email protected].

Report: community health equity solutions

Causes and solutions to health inequities are examined in the online consensus study report Communities in Action: Pathways to Health Equity from the National Academies Press.

The report acknowledges the need for “system-level changes to eliminate structural racism, reduce poverty, improve income equality, increase educational opportunity, and fix the laws and policies that perpetuate structural inequities.” But it also notes that these causes must be addressed nationally for health equity to be fully realized.

Download the free PDF e-book at

Free way to support safe sleep

There is still time to Donate a Photo using the free mobile app to benefit AAP safe sleep efforts.
For each photo uploaded, Johnson & Johnson donates $1 to the cause. For the Academy, Johnson & Johnson has committed up to $50,000. Upload one picture per day, per email account. The mobile app builds public, virtual picture galleries of uploaded photos. Any photo, even the same one, can be shared. The photos do not need to be related to safe sleep or children’s health. Participate in this fun, free chance to support AAP safe sleep. Visit

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