Editor's note: For more coverage of the 2020 AAP Virtual National Conference & Exhibition, visit https://www.aappublications.org/news/2020/08/21nationalconference2020.
Explore the lineup of global health sessions at the AAP Virtual National Conference & Exhibition and connect with colleagues from around the world.
The virtual program will allow a larger international audience to attend the conference and to access numerous sessions offered in English and Spanish.
“This year’s conference is an opportunity to reflect on the incredible progress we’ve made for child health globally as we celebrate a decade of Helping Babies Breathe. At the same time, we come together to learn from each other on how to best support newborns, children, adolescents and families during this unprecedented pandemic,” said Janna Patterson, M.D., M.P.H., FAAP, senior vice president, AAP Global Child Health & Life Support.
Making a difference during COVID-19
Throughout the pandemic, AAP Global Child Health has hosted a series of internationally attended webinars. The final installment is “Supporting Families Globally During COVID: How Pediatricians Make a Difference” (L3101) from 10-11 a.m. CDT on Sunday, Oct. 4.
The event is moderated by International Pediatric Association President Zulfiqar Bhutta, Ph.D., M.B.B.S., F.R.C.P.C.H., (Hon.) FAAP. This session, with partners from Women in Global Health, UNICEF, Rwanda’s University of Global Health Equity and Harvard’s Program in Global Mental Health and Social Change, features conversations on how pediatricians in the U.S. and abroad can support families in their practices, communities and beyond by advocating for child-friendly policies, coaching caregivers and recognizing their own biases during and after the pandemic.
Sessions with global emphasis
Many of the global health events will be of interest to pediatricians caring for patients in the U.S. and abroad. Among highlights:
- The Council on Immigrant Child and Family Health Program (H2602) from 3-5:15 p.m. CDT on Saturday, Oct. 3 helps pediatricians understand the impact of immigration on the physical and mental health of children and their families and provide solutions.
- “Map Your Career in Global Child Health” explores five career pathways in global health: research, education, clinical, nonprofit and local advocacy. Attendees of the on-demand session will make a career map to help identify goals and action steps.
- Clinical cases followed by demonstrations of steps to provide high-quality care without familiar tools and auxiliary staff will be presented during on-demand Sessions I and 2 of “Global Health Skills: Practical Tips for the Field.”
- During the on-demand session “Trauma-Informed Approach to Working With Immigrant Families and Adolescents,” attendees will learn how they can foster connections and trust to improve the sensitivity and efficacy of their practice.
- A joint program from the Sections on Global Health, Surgery and Bioethics (H3000) from 8-10 a.m. on Sunday, Oct. 4 looks at the history of global health engagement. It also lays out the models of global health engagement from medical and surgical specialties that adhere to ethical standards and addresses capacity-building and systems strengthening.
- “Peds21: Fighting Racism to Advance Child Health Equity: A Call to Action,” from noon to 3 p.m. CDT on Saturday, Oct. 3 explores how to address implicit biases, create inclusive workplaces and relate with cultural humility (see https://www.aappublications.org/news/2020/08/21/nce2020peds21082120).
Translated sessions
Simultaneous translated sessions in Spanish are offered for select live and on-demand sessions. Attendees can look for the icon denoting translated sessions throughout the conference schedule.
Topics include caring for children with medical complexity during COVID-19, how to address vaccine hesitancy, coping skills in turbulent times, talking to kids about racism, common dermatologic problems seen in the office, encounters between youths of color and law enforcement, dermatoses in children of color, e-cigarettes, asthma and wheezing, and more.
Helping Babies Breathe anniversary
Join colleagues marking the 10th anniversary of Helping Babies Breathe from 8 a.m. to noon CDT on Monday, Oct. 5. A joint program from the Section on Global Health and Helping Babies Survive (H4000) features numerous speakers discussing the program’s successes, challenges and ways forward for global neonatal health.