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Help Your Patients With Autism Receive Evidence-Based Therapies in School :

September 15, 2017

Editor's note: The 2017 AAP National Conference & Exhibition will take place from Sept. 16-19 in Chicago.

Applied behavior analysis. Social skills training. Music therapy. Animal-assisted therapy.

There is no shortage of interventions for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). So when a parent seeks your support in asking her child’s school to provide a specific therapy, do you know how to respond?

Learn how to look critically at outcomes of an intervention and work effectively with school personnel during a session titled “Schools, Rules, and Therapies: School-Age Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder (F2148)” from 3:00-3:45 pm Sunday in McCormick Place West, W183 C.

The session will be led by Michael Reiff, MD, FAAP, a member of the AAP Section on Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics.

“Practitioners who provide a medical home for children with autism spectrum disorders are often asked by parents to advise them on therapeutic choices, educational options and behavioral challenges,” Dr. Reiff said. “They are asked to write letters to support school-related requests and write prescriptions for additional therapies. Clinicians need to be able to offer informed opinions when asked about therapies and education options, and be able to write responsible and effective letters to advocate for their patients appropriately.”

During the session, Dr. Reiff will review the results of the 2015 National Standard Project Phase 2, a review and analysis of educational and behavioral treatments for ASD based on research conducted from 2007-’12. The project updates an initial review published by the National Autism Center in 2009.

The Phase 2 review found 14 therapeutic interventions to be effective for children and youths under 22 years of age, including behavioral interventions, language training and parent training.

Dr. Reiff, professor of pediatrics at University of Minnesota, also will reviewe laws pertaining to educational rights and the process of obtaining school services.

“Pediatricians need to collaborate with schools in addressing the needs of school-age children and youth with autism spectrum disorder,” Dr. Reiff said. “This presentation will review the hierarchy of services available for students in schools, the common educational and therapeutic needs of school-age students with ASD, and instructions on how to advocate for evidence-based services for their patients with ASD.”

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