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In Memoriam - February 2020 :

February 12, 2020

Bert E. Bradford, M.D., FAAP, of Laurel, Miss., died Dec. 14 at age 77.

Dr. CaldwellConstance J. Caldwell, M.D., FAAP, of Davis, Calif., died Nov. 19 at age 63.

Daniel J. Cammerman, M.D., FAAP, of New York, died in a bicycle accident Dec. 18 at age 50.

Alice H. Cushing, M.D.,chapter affiliate member, of Albuquerque, N.M., died in November at age 89.

Timothy M. George, M.D., FAAP, of Austin, Texas, died unexpectedly Nov. 10 at age 59.

J. Elizabeth Pinkston, M.D., FAAP, of Staunton, Va., died of breast cancer Dec. 1 at age 72.


To make a gift in memory of a colleague, visit or email the AAP Development Office at [email protected].

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