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Pediatrics fills almost 98% of positions in 2020 Match :

March 20, 2020

On Match Day 2020, pediatrics filled 97.9% of all offered positions in the Main Residency Match, up from 97.3% in 2019.

Categorical pediatrics filled 98.2% and internal medicine-pediatrics filled 97.7% of all offered positions. In 2019, the numbers were 97.6% and 98.2%, respectively.

This year’s Match Day — when medical school students and graduates learn in which U.S. residency program they will train — was the largest to date, with 40,084 applicants for 37,256 positions. It also marked the first time all allopathic (M.D.) and osteopathic (D.O.) applicants took part in one matching program.

AAP President Sara “Sally” H. Goza, M.D., FAAP, offered a special message to future pediatricians, as they celebrated virtually.

“Due to coronavirus, medical school graduations and Match Day ceremonies are canceled, so I’d especially like to tell all newly matched pediatricians today that we are thrilled to welcome them to the pediatrics family,” she said.

For more analysis of this year’s Match, see the May issue of AAP News.

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