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Resilience more important than ever, says new AAP president-elect :

July 1, 2020

Dr. SzilagyiMoira A. Szilagyi, M.D., Ph.D., FAAP, can draw on her expertise caring for vulnerable and underserved children when she takes over as AAP president in 2022.

“I am committed to partnering with others to enrich our advocacy efforts on behalf of all children,” she has said.

Dr. Szilagyi, of Marina Del Rey, Calif., was voted AAP president-elect. She ran against Mobeen H. Rathore, M.D., FAAP, of Jacksonville, Fla.

Her priorities have been highlighted by events of the last few months.

“COVID really shone a light on the disparities in our country … and highlighted the importance of having a focus on child and family resilience,” Dr. Szilagyi said, as well as the need for the AAP to accelerate efforts on issues of racism. Other priorities are pediatrician wellness and climate change.

All of these areas have to be looked at from the view of leadership, clinical care, education, advocacy and research, she noted. “We have to have actionable items and measurable outcomes in each of those.”

Dr. Szilagyi will succeed Lee Savio Beers, M.D., FAAP, of Washington, D.C., who will serve as president in 2021.

For more on Dr. Szilagyi’s background, visit

Results for additional AAP national offices are below. Those elected will take office on Jan. 1, 2021. Of eligible voters, 16.85% cast votes in the AAP election.

District II Chairperson

Warren M. Seigel, M.D., M.B.A., FAAP (incumbent)

District II Vice Chairperson

Michael D. Terranova, M.D., FAAP (incumbent)

District III Vice Chairperson

Ankoor Y. Shah, M.D., M.B.A., M.P.H., FAAP

District III National Nominating Committee Representative

Priscilla M. Mpasi, M.D., FAAP

District V Chairperson

Jeannette “Lia” Gaggino, M.D., FAAP

District VI National Nominating Committee Representative

Jeffrey W. Britton, M.D., FAAP

District VIII Chairperson

Martha C. Middlemist, M.D., FAAP (incumbent)

District VIII Vice Chairperson

Gregory S. Blaschke, M.D., M.P.H., FAAP (incumbent)

District VIII National Nominating Committee Representative

Thomas S. Patterson, M.D., FAAP

District X Chairperson

Madeline M. Joseph, M.D., FAAP

District X Vice Chairperson

Michael J. Ramsey, M.D., FAAP

District X National Nominating Committee Representative

Yvette L. Piovanetti, M.D., FAAP

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