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Top 10 resolutions at ALF reflect leaders’ concern over immigrant children :

March 15, 2017

Resolutions to protect the children of immigrants and their families marked the top three resolutions selected by AAP leaders at the Annual Leadership Forum (ALF) last weekend.

The resolutions called for access to legal representation for families seeking safe haven, protections for children of migrants, and response to the executive order limiting immigration and entry.

Other top 10 resolutions addressed improving mental health access for children, advocating to national leaders to stand against hate crimes and other discriminatory behavior across the country, wider availability of epinephrine in schools, and evidence-based firearm policy and research.

Following are the top 10 resolutions:

  • Building Access to Legal Representation for Children, Adolescents, and Families Seeking Safe Haven
  • Protect Children of Migrants
  • Response to Executive Order Limiting Immigration and Entry
  • Improving Mental Health Access for Children
  • Advocate for Epinephrine Supply in Schools to Serve Entire School Population
  • Not One More Child Should Die in a Dental Chair: Remembering Caleb
  • Endorsing Evidence-Based Firearm Policy and Policy-Informed Research
  • Calling for Statement from National Leaders Against Hate and Discrimination
  • Medication Return and Safe Disposal
  • Assisting Chapters with Membership Recruitment and Retention

“I was happy to see so many of these align with the current work of the Board and with the Strategic Plan,” said AAP CEO/Executive Vice President Karen Remley, M.D., M.B.A., M.P.H., FAAP.

On March 13, the Academy released the policy statement Detention of Immigrant Children,stating that immigrant and refugee children should be treated with dignity and respect, and not placed in settings that fail to meet basic standards for children’s physical and mental health or expose them to additional trauma,

The top resolutions were voted on by 76% of the 199 eligible voting members present.

Leading up to the ALF, AAP members were able to comment on the resolutions online.

Look to the May issue of AAP News for additional coverage of the 2017 ALF.

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