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Videos, parent resources available for Injury Prevention Month :

September 1, 2017

Head off sports injuries during Child Injury Prevention Month with AAP resources.

Air videos in your practice waiting rooms to educate parents about sports injuries and trampoline injuries. Sarah A. Denny, M.D., FAAP, a member of the Council on Injury, Violence and Poison Prevention, explains how to help children avoid sports injuries with proper technique, training and coaching. As a pediatric emergency medicine specialist, Dr. Denny also has seen her fair share of trampoline injuries. Play her video on Safety Tips about Trampolines, which warns parents against using home trampolines and explains why families should allow children to use trampolines only with supervision from a trainer. Share these videos and others from the AAP YouTube Channel,

Post free patient safety information on your practice social media pages and website from AAP News Parent Plus at; share child product Health Alerts from; and visit and click on Safety & Prevention.

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