ED readiness assessment
Has your local emergency department (ED) completed the National Pediatric Readiness Project (NPRP) assessment? Every hospital nurse manager across the U.S. has received postal and email notifications with a link to complete the web-based assessment. One assessment can be completed per ED. The assessment is intended for facilities open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Upon completing the assessment, the nurse manager will receive a report that includes an ED pediatric readiness score (0 to 100), average scores of EDs of similar pediatric volume, an average score of participating EDs to use as a benchmark and an analysis to target pediatric readiness improvement efforts.
The project is supported by the AAP, American College of Emergency Physicians, Emergency Nurses Association and the Federal Emergency Medical Services for Children Program. The 2021 NPRP assessment is open through July 31. Access the NPRP toolkit at https://bit.ly/3ccZMSh and find assessment details at https://www.pedsready.org/.
COVID-19 vaccine resources
- Watch the AAP video series Becoming a COVID-19 Vaccinator at https://bit.ly/3fHebIy.
- Share “Sesame Street” materials, including coloring pages, posters, articles and videos with families. Visit https://bit.ly/2SeTdHX.
- Display posters on how to sign up for v-safe, the smartphone-based vaccine safety monitoring tool from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (in English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese). Visit http://bit.ly/cdcvsaferesources.
- A fact sheet and infographic from the Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units on reducing health risks associated with disinfectants are available in English and Spanish at https://bit.ly/2RV8pJQ.
Free online courses
- Webinar on gastroesophageal reflux disease-like symptoms in infants, https://bit.ly/3irw8wi
- Peanut allergy course, https://bit.ly/3cohsdL
- Duchenne muscular dystrophy education series, https://www.aap.org/DMD