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New AAP Publications platform simplifies search, improves discoverability

November 8, 2021

Members now have streamlined access across the breadth of essential AAP resources, with the launch of the AAP Publications platform at

The new platform simplifies navigation and maximizes discoverability by integrating the search across previously separate websites. Users can search one site for journals and news, as well as Point-of-Care Solutions, AAP eBooks, other pediatric titles, AAP content and resources.

The AAP Publications platform hosts AAP journals, including the flagship journal Pediatrics, Pediatrics in Review, Grand Rounds, Hospital Pediatrics and NeoReviews; AAP News; AAP Books; AAP Point-of-Care Solutions, including Pediatric Care Online, Red Book Online, Pediatric Patient Education, AAP Toolkits, AAP Pediatric Coding newsletter; and AAP Policy.

The unification of platforms is a byproduct of the AAP Digital Transformation Initiative (DTI), an ongoing commitment to improve AAP digital products that will result in enhanced experiences for members. The new platform aligns with DTI’s core principles of simplify, personalize and connect.

In addition to seamless searchability and a fresh design, products on the new platform have enhanced features:

  • Policies: a dedicated page to search policy-related documents
  • Journals: an intuitive table of contents and new landing pages
  • AAP News: new home page, most read articles widget, email alerts
  • AAP Books: preferred reading format, including split screen view
  • Pediatric Care Online: streamlined Quick Reference, enhanced organization
  • Red Book Online: streamlined vaccine status tables
  • Pediatric Patient Education: improved search to find handouts
  • AAP Toolkits: new quick links
  • Pediatric Coding Newsletter: split screen, new resources section and streamlined table of contents

In addition, the enterprise-wide navigation offers users options for filtering or expanding a search, while remaining in the AAP ecosystem. From the Publications site, members can move seamlessly between other key AAP sites, like, and ShopAAP. In addition, users can view abstracts and PDFs from the search results rather than having to click into an article.

“The American Academy of Pediatrics is the leader in pediatric publishing, providing critical guidance, research, news and health information to pediatricians, parents and many other audiences,” said Mark Grimes, vice president of publishing. “It is important that we are able to provide our publications in a way that is credible, current and seamless.”

The AAP partnered with Silverchair of Charlottesville, Va., to develop the unified platform.

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