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Mother's Touch infant formula

FDA: Don’t use Mother’s Touch infant formula

September 6, 2022

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning families not to use Mother’s Touch infant formula, which is not in compliance with its regulations.

The formula’s nutrient levels have not been tested, but the label shows levels of protein, linoleic acid, calcium, sodium, potassium and chloride that are below FDA minimums and an iron level that is too high, according to the FDA. In addition, the formula has not been fully tested for bacteria.

The formula is sold on the company’s website and in Kinzers, Loganton and Gap, Pa.

Families who have this formula should throw it away and file a MedWatch form to report an adverse event.

The FDA warning comes as the country is recovering from an infant formula shortage that left many families desperate to find formula for their babies. The shortage was caused by supply chain issues and the shutdown of an Abbott Nutrition plant following complaints of bacterial infections among several infants.




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