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Pediatricians in videos

AAP President Sandy L. Chung, M.D., FAAP, Michelle D. Fiscus, M.D., FAAP, and Francisco J. Silva, M.D., M.P.H., FAAP, share what they love about being a pediatrician. 

#WeArePediatricians campaign highlights stories, uplifts pediatric professionals

July 1, 2023

Pediatricians are sharing inspirational stories about what led them to study medicine and pursue pediatrics in the new AAP digital campaign #WeArePediatricians.

The campaign aims to lift up the lifesaving work of pediatricians across the United States and boost morale of clinicians who have faced anti-vaccine, anti-trans and anti-science/medicine actions in recent years. Its main goal is to emphasize a clear message: Pediatricians’ mission is to keep kids healthy.

“Pediatricians really are an amazing and impressive group of individuals, and every time I meet a member of the AAP I am fascinated to hear about their own journey into the profession,” said AAP President Sandy L. Chung, M.D., FAAP, who tells her own story in a video published as part of the campaign. “I hope this campaign can help to show the genuine care and dedication pediatricians bring to their work every day, and the incredible impact we are able to have in the lives of children.”

Madeline M. Joseph, M.D., FAAP, is among the pediatricians who have recorded #WeArePediatricians videos for Instagram and YouTube.

“What really inspired me to be a pediatrician and go into medicine was my own pediatrician,” Dr. Joseph said in her video. “He always responded to my mother’s panicked calls in the middle of the night where my little brother was gasping for air and having a croup attack. And he always showed up, very calm and collected and gave my brother breathing treatments and made him well. That really resonated with me.”

Francisco J. Silva, M.D., M.P.H., FAAP, recalled a difficult conversation he had with a parent and child about a life-changing diagnosis but later was amazed at their resiliency.

“It was tough to see the kid and the parent and knowing what was heading down the line,” Dr. Silva said. “The positive thing about kids is they don’t get down on themselves. I see him a year or two later with his walker and his glasses and his hearing aid, but he was smiling. Even though the outcome may not be the greatest, he was smiling and we were providing him the best care, the best support we could. I’m excited to see him every day.”

Michelle D. Fiscus, M.D., FAAP, shared the funny ways her patients pronounce her name, including Doctor fixes, Doctor kisses, Doctor fish sticks, Becky biscuits, Dr. Asparagus, and, her personal favorite, Doctor zoffice.

“I think we just love that whole vibe of kids,” Dr. Fiscus said. “That’s why I’m a pediatrician, because I don’t think any of us ever grow up.”

Dr. Fiscus also recalled a serious experience with a teenage patient who called and expressed suicidal thoughts. After talking with the patient and getting crisis intervention involved, she was able to get him to the right place. Dr. Fiscus knew the patient had access to a firearm and previously had asked him to give the gun to his brother.

“I know he’s here because we had that conversation,” Dr. Fiscus said. “There’s nothing more powerful than that.”

Pediatricians across the country are encouraged to share their stories on social media using the hashtag #WeArePediatricians. Watch all of the videos at

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