AAP members have the opportunity to review and share comments on resolutions to be presented during the AAP Leadership Conference on Aug. 3-6.
An important aim of the Leadership Conference is to incorporate diverse perspectives in the discussion and debate of leading pediatric issues. Member comments are important to the AAP leadership and representatives of their district, chapter, committee, council and section who will attend the conference and vote on resolutions.
Comments on resolutions will be shared with members of the reference committees and also posted online by Monday, July 31. Keep in mind that the report shared with Leadership Conference attendees will include the member’s name, district and comments. Members should focus their comments on the content of the resolution itself. Submitted comments will be reviewed before public posting. The comments contained in the report are for members only and should not be shared outside the AAP.
Members can share their comments at https://resolutions.aap.org through Friday, July 21 (login required).