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AAP delegates at AMA meeting

The AAP was represented at the AMA House of Delegates interim meeting by (starting in back row, from left): Joey Whelihan Jr., M.D., FAAP; Rohan Khazanchi, M.D., M.P.H.; Ariel E. Carpenter, M.D., FAAP, AAP alternate delegate; Benjamin D. Hoffman, M.D., FAAP, AAP president-elect and AAP alternate delegate; Melissa J. Garretson, M.D., FAAP, chair of the AAP delegation; Zarah Iqbal, M.D., FAAP, AAP delegate; Josh Carrasco, M.D., FAAP; Sneha Krish, a medical student and liaison from the AAP Section on Pediatric Trainees; and Carol D. Berkowitz, M.D., FAAP, AAP delegate.

AAP delegates bring pediatric issues to forefront at AMA meeting

January 1, 2024
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