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Healthy Children podcast logo with Dr. Edith Bracho-Sanchez

AAP Healthy Children podcast provides expert advice with dose of fun

June 6, 2024

The AAP’s latest podcast is “for new parents, for parents who have been at it for a while, grandparents and anyone who cares about kids,” in the words of its pediatrician host.

Edith Bracho-Sanchez, M.D., FAAP, hosts Healthy Children, a series of weekly chats running 15-25 minutes, each focused on a specific topic. The show launched June 6 with an episode on safe sleep and sleep training, featuring guest Rachel Y. Moon, M.D., FAAP.

“I’ll be speaking with leading experts in child health, answering frequently asked questions and hopefully having a little fun along the way as we explore the good, the bad and the messy of parenting,” Dr. Bracho-Sanchez said.

Those explorations include social media, nutrition, substance use, breastfeeding, sunscreen, immunization, sports injuries and — here’s the “messy” part — poop.

“This is a judgment-free space where all questions are good questions, and the answers will hopefully be even better,” she said.

Dr. Bracho-Sanchez is a pediatrician at Columbia University in New York whose on-air experience as a medical expert includes work with CNN, NPR, “Good Morning America” and “The Tamron Hall Show.” She’s also the parent of a toddler and faces many of the challenges addressed on the show.

“I thought I was so good at giving parents advice. You know, I’m a pediatrician and all,” Dr. Bracho-Sanchez said in an introductory episode of the show. “And then I became a mom, and man — this is hard!”

The podcast will try to ease the burden with evidence-based guidance that will empower listeners “to make the best decisions for their families,” Dr. Bracho-Sanchez said. To that end, each episode ends with the guest’s “parenting prescription,” a blueprint for what actions the listener can take.

An example from Dr. Moon: “If you feel like you're super, super stressed, then reach out for help and, you know, take a break and let somebody watch your baby for a little bit while you do something to recharge and to feel better about yourself.”

You can hear that episode now on Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music/Audible, Spotify and other major podcast platforms, as well as

Healthy Children is an offshoot of Pediatrics On Call, the AAP’s flagship podcast for pediatricians that launched in 2020, and, the Academy’s official website for parents.

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