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Clinicians can reserve updated COVID-19 vaccines

August 15, 2024

Editor's note: For the latest news on COVID-19, visit

Clinicians can reserve doses of the updated COVID-19 vaccines for the 2024-’25 season while the vaccines await final regulatory approval.

The Food and Drug Administration has asked manufacturers to specifically target the KP.2 strain from the JN.1 lineage if feasible to better match circulating strains and could sign off on the updated vaccines in the next few weeks. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends everyone 6 months and older get an updated vaccine.

Wastewater testing by the CDC indicates COVID levels are very high nationally and especially in the West and South.


For the 2024-’25 season, Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA COVID vaccines for ages 12 years and older will come in a single-dose glass prefilled syringe while the vaccine for ages 5-11 will come in a single-dose vial. For children ages 6 months through 4 years, vaccines will come in vials with three doses each that require dilution. All will come in boxes of 10 syringes or vials. The vaccines are available through Pfizer Prime and wholesalers.

Both vaccines for children under 12 years will be 100% returnable any time before Sept. 15, 2025, once they have expired. A credit will be issued within 60 days.

For the adolescent/adult vaccine, credit will be issued for returned units up to 30% of doses purchased. Pfizer will accept returns any time before the close of the seasonal vaccine return period that ends Sept. 15, 2025, but credit will not be calculated until after that time.


Both of Moderna’s mRNA vaccines (pediatric and adolescent/adult) will come in pre-filled syringes available in packs of 10. The adolescent/adult vaccines will come in paperboard tray cartons and blister cartons while the pediatric vaccines come in paperboard tray cartons. The vaccines are available through Moderna or wholesalers.

For physician clinics, 100% of pediatric doses and 10% of the adolescent/adult doses can be returned unless contract terms differ. Customers can visit or talk to their account representative for more details.


Novavax has made a protein-based vaccine for people ages 12 years and older. It targets the JN. 1 strain instead of its sublineage KP.2 and will come in boxes of 10 pre-filled syringes. It is available for pre-order through several retailers.

Returns are allowed upon expiration per the terms of the customer’s agreement with Novavax.

Vaccine recommendations, supply

Everyone 6 months and older should get an updated COVID-19 vaccine. Manufacturers have said they expect an adequate supply of vaccines for the 2024-’25 season.

Uptake of the 2023-’24 COVID-19 vaccines was low and health officials are urging clinicians to talk to their patients about getting vaccinated. While COVID-19 rates aren’t as high as they were a couple of years ago, there still are thousands of COVID-associated hospitalizations and hundreds of deaths each week and children are not immune from serious illness, according to the CDC. Half of children and adolescents hospitalized with COVID-19 have no underlying conditions. Just 5% of those with a COVID-associated hospitalization since last fall had received a 2023-’24 COVID-19 vaccine.

As COVID-19 cases rise, the CDC has said clinicians may consider vaccinating certain high-risk patients with the 2023-’24 formula now, but take into account that doing so may delay their ability to get an updated vaccine when they become available. They also should make sure their supply has not expired.



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