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Group of nine people posing for a photo.

The AAP was represented at the AMA House of Delegates interim meeting by (from left) CEO/Executive Vice President Mark Del Monte, J.D.; Zarah Iqbal, M.D., M.P.H., FAAP;  Brittany Bruggeman, M.D., FAAP; Sarah M. Marsicek, M.D., FAAP; Carol D. Berkowitz, M.D., FAAP; Pam K. Shaw, M.D., FAAP; Matthew E. Lecuyer, M.D., M.P.H., FAAP; then-President-elect Susan J. Kressly, M.D., FAAP; and then-President Benjamin D. Hoffman, M.D., FAAP

Pediatric-related policies adopted at AMA House of Delegates meeting

January 1, 2025
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