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AAP names 2 pediatricians to senior leadership team :

November 29, 2016

The Academy has hired two pediatricians for senior leadership posts.

Anne R. Edwards, M.D., FAAP, has been named senior vice president, Primary Care and Subspecialty Pediatrics, and Debra B. Waldron, M.D., M.P.H., FAAP, has been named senior vice president, Child Health and Wellness.

Dr. EdwardsDr. EdwardsDr. Edwards will lead pediatric practice-related initiatives and programs for AAP members. She comes from Park Nicollet Health Services in Minneapolis where she practiced general pediatrics and served as chair of pediatrics and co-chair of children’s health initiatives at Health Partners, the largest consumer-directed nonprofit organization in the United States.

“Dr. Edwards brings to the AAP her direct experience in the complexity of primary and subspecialty pediatric practice in a large health system,” said AAP CEO/Executive Vice President Karen Remley, M.D., M.B.A., M.P.H., FAAP. “As a leader in pediatric practice, Dr. Edwards has the talent and skills necessary to assist all members of the AAP participate in today’s rapidly changing health care system and to help shape that system for children and families. Dr. Edwards is an innovator who will position the AAP to advance our mission and meet the needs of our members.”

Dr. Edwards has held numerous leadership roles at the Academy, serving most recently as co-chair of the Task Force on Pediatric Practice Change, chair of the Committee on State Government Affairs and District VI vice chair. She served as president of the AAP Minnesota Chapter from 2006-’10. Dr. Edwards received her medical degree and completed her pediatric residency at the University of Minnesota.

“As a member and district vice chair of the AAP, I have been able to see the impact the organization can have in shaping health care practice to meet the needs of patients and pediatricians alike,” Dr. Edwards said. “I am honored to join the Academy and eager to help lead the changes necessary in pediatrics to serve our members and their patients.”

Dr. WaldronDr. WaldronThe Academy’s other new leader, Dr. Waldron, will direct AAP programs and initiatives related to child health promotion and safety, developmental pediatrics and preventive services, and children with special health needs.

Dr. Waldron served as director of the Division of Services for Children with Special Health Needs at the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) of the Health Resources and Services Administration. At MCHB, she led a national program to improve access to family-centered, community-based, integrated systems of clinical and public health services for children with special health needs and their families.

“Dr. Waldron is national leader in pediatrics, and the Academy’s successful child health programs will be strengthened by her expertise in public health and her focus on the importance of quality care for all children,” Dr. Remley said. “Dr. Waldron’s passion for children and families and her experience in government, academia and health policy will enrich our senior leadership team.”

Dr. Waldron served as president of the AAP Iowa Chapter. Prior to federal government service, she was vice chair of child health policy and professor of pediatrics at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine and medical director for pediatric quality at Health Partners in Bloomington, Minn. Dr. Waldron received her medical degree from New York Medical College and master’s in public health from the University of Minnesota.

“I am excited to be joining the AAP at this important time for child health programs and public policy,” Dr. Waldron said. “I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to serve at MCHB and look forward to bringing that experience to the vital work the Academy does to improve the health and well-being of all children.”

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