Health officials are urging people not to drink, cook with, sell or serve Real Water brand alkaline water until more is known about acute non-viral hepatitis illnesses linked to the product.
According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), information indicates that the Real Water brand (of Mesa, Ariz.) product is the cause of illness, but the investigation is ongoing and additional products could be connected.
The product is “infused with negative ions” and 500 ml bottles have a pH of 9.0, according to the label. Alkaline water is regulated as bottled water by the FDA under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.
In Nevada, five cases of the illness in infants and children resulted in acute liver failure and hospitalization last November. The patients, from four households, had consumed Real Water. Two other adults and three children from two of the households reported other symptoms that did not require hospitalization. All patients have recovered.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Southern Nevada Health District are working with the FDA on the investigation. The problem “arose in Las Vegas,” but Real Water Inc. is stopping sales and distribution of the product across the U.S. “until the issue is resolved,” according to the company’s website.
Health care providers can submit voluntary reports of serious adverse events to the FDA at