Convert International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD-9) diagnostic codes to ICD-10 codes using the ICD9-10 app.
Developed by Medical Transcription Billing Corp., the app offers detailed descriptions of each ICD-10 code and allows the user to convert ICD-9 codes to ICD-10 codes and vice versa.
The app gives access to a specialty's most used ICD-9 codes and their corresponding ICD 10 codes, which can be added to a favorites list.
Other features include searching by full or partial code or by keywords; searching ICDs by code or description; and search history.
The app is free and available for both iOS ( and Android ( platforms.
If you would like to share a first-hand experience using technology, such as software, program, app, widget, etc., to improve patient care or practice management, email submissions of 250 words or less to Cathleen Guch at [email protected].