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Deadline to apply for Resident Research Grants is Feb. 28 :

December 26, 2019

Pediatric residents have an opportunity to initiate and completeprojects related to their professional interests through theAAP Resident Research Grant program. 

Qualifying residents receive $2,000 grants for projects related to a variety of child health research topics. Residents also are provided a travel stipend to attend a professional research conference. Award winners conduct their research under the supervision of a mentor who is an AAP member. Research projects are conducted for up to two years and should be completed during residency training. 

The AAP Committee on Pediatric Research Subcommittee on Resident Research Grants selects the recipients each year based on criteria focused on project methodology, significance of the topic, feasibility of completion during residency and project relevance to the resident’s career goals. The program is designed to encourage residents with limited research experience to apply and to begin academic careers in research.
















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