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Dr. Beers voted AAP president-elect :

September 23, 2019

Lee Savio Beers, M.D., FAAP, of Washington, D.C., has been voted AAP president-elect. She ran against Pamela K. Shaw, M.D., FAAP, of Kansas City, Kan.

Dr. Beers will take over as president on Jan. 1, 2021, following Sara "Sally" H. Goza, M.D., FAAP, of Fayetteville, Ga., who will serve as president in 2020. To read about Dr. Beers’ background, visit

For the first time, voters also chose three members to serve in the new AAP Board of Directors at-large positions:

  • Constance S. Houck, M.D., M.P.H., FAAP, of Boston;
  • Charles G. Macias, M.D., M.P.H., FAAP, of Houston; and
  • Joseph L. Wright, M.D., M.P.H., FAAP, of Upper Marlboro, Md.

Results for additional AAP national offices, which take effect Jan. 1, 2020, are below. Watch AAP News for additional coverage of the election.

District I Chairperson

Wendy S. Davis, M.D., FAAP (re-elected)

District II National Nominating Committee Representative

Carolyn T. Cleary, M.D., FAAP

District IV Chairperson

Michelle “Shelley” D. Fiscus, M.D., FAAP

District IV Vice Chairperson

Patricia “Pat” M. Purcell, M.D., M.B.A., FAAP

District V Vice Chairperson

Michael A. Gittelman, M.D., FAAP

District V National Nominating Committee Representative

Tisa Johnson-Hooper, M.D., FAAP

District VII Chairperson

Gary W. Floyd, M.D., FAAP

District VII Vice Chairperson

Susan Buttross, M.D., FAAP

District IX National Nominating Committee Representative

Edward S. Curry, M.D., FAAP


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