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Dr. Goza voted AAP president-elect; bylaw changes approved :

December 3, 2018

Sara “Sally” H. Goza, M.D., FAAP, of Fayetteville, Ga., has been voted AAP president-elect. She ran against George C. Phillips, M.D., M.B.A., FAAP, of Overland Park, Kan.

Dr. Goza will take over as president on Jan. 1, 2020, following Kyle Yasuda, M.D., FAAP, of Seattle, who will serve as president in 2019. To read about Dr. Goza’s background, visit

Changes to the AAP bylaws were approved by 95.3% of members. The changes aim to diversify representation on the Board of Directors beyond geographic districts.

Results for additional AAP national offices, which take effect Jan. 1, are below. For complete coverage, see the January issue of AAP News.

District I

Vice Chairperson

Patricia J. Flanagan, M.D., FAAP (re-elected)

National Nominating Committee Representative

Janice L. Pelletier, M.D., FAAP

District III


Margaret “Meg” C. Fisher, M.D., FAAP

District IV

National Nominating Committee Representative

Kimberly A. Boland, M.D., FAAP

District VI


Dennis M. Cooley, M.D., FAAP

Vice Chairperson

Claudia K. Preuschoff, M.D., FAAP (re-elected)

District VII

National Nominating Committee Representative

Eve H. Switzer, M.D., FAAP

District IX


Yasuko Fukuda, M.D., FAAP

Vice Chairperson

Paula J. Whiteman, M.D., FACEP, FAAP

There were no vacancies in Districts II, V, VIII or X.

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