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FDA: Make sure EpiPens don’t get stuck in tube :

November 7, 2018

People with an EpiPen should check to make sure it is not stuck in the carrier tube, according to a new warning from the manufacturer and federal health officials.

Due to a defective label, a small number of EpiPen 0.3 mg and EpiPen Jr 0.15 mg auto-injectors and their authorized generics do not slide out of the tube easily, manufacturer Pfizer Inc. and distributor Mylan said in a letter to health care providers. There are no issues with the device or the epinephrine inside.

“It is vital for lifesaving products to work as designed in an emergency situation, and patients and caregivers should inspect their epinephrine auto-injector prior to needing it to ensure they can quickly access the product,” the Food and Drug Administration said in a safety alert.

Anyone with an auto-injector that does not easily slide out or one that has a label that only is partially adhered to the auto-injector should contact MylanCustomer Relations at 800-796-9526. They also should report adverse reactions or quality problems to the FDA’s MedWatch program,

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