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FYI: Academy accepting proposals for CATCH grants :

June 2, 2016

The Academy is accepting submissions for its Community Access to Child Health (CATCH) grants. July 29 is the deadline for applications.

Planning and Implementation Grants of up to $10,000 will be awarded on a competitive basis to individual pediatricians and fellowship trainees to plan innovative community-based child health initiatives that will ensure children, especially the underserved, have medical homes, are properly immunized and have access to health care services not otherwise available in their community. Priority is given to projects that will be serving communities with the greatest health disparities.

Grants of up to $2,000 will be awarded on a competitive basis for pediatric residents to plan and/or implement community-based child health initiatives. Resident CATCH projects must include planning activities or demonstrate completed planning activities, and may include implementation activities.

New this cycle, CATCH has partnered with the AAP Council on Community Pediatrics, Council on School Health, and Section on Medical Students, Residents, and Fellowship Trainees in funding Resident Grants that address their strategic priorities. Refer to the call for proposals/application guidelines for instructions and details. These grants are part of the general call for proposals and must follow the same application and reporting procedures and meet the same eligibility and selection criteria.

A network of pediatricians and pediatric residents is available to help with your grant proposal. Find rosters, the CATCH grant program description and online application on the CATCH Call for Proposals webpage, Questions? Email [email protected] or call 800-433-9016, ext. 4916.

CATCH Planning, Implementation and Resident Grants are made possible through the support of Pfizer Inc., with additional support from individual donations through the AAP Friends of Children Fund.

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