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FYI: BRUE resources, bullying report, and more :

June 23, 2016
New QI site features BRUE resources

Check out the new Quality Improvement (QI) Implementation Tools and Resources page and its first posted topic, Brief Resolved Unexplained Events (BRUE). The page, at, includes links to BRUE quality metrics, a patient education brochure, key driver diagram and the AAP clinical practice guideline released in April.

The site serves as a clearinghouse for order sets, measures, educational materials and tools to implement rigorous QI projects. Tools support AAP clinical practice guidelines as well as other QI topics of interest. The site also seeks feedback from members on new topics and usefulness of resources.

Members are encouraged to email content such as tools, order sets and other QI resources for posting to [email protected].

Join the Section on Epidemiology, Public Health and Evidence

Do you have a passion for public health? Do you feel your knowledge in epidemiology, methodology or even your current research experience could be helpful within the Academy? The Section on Epidemiology, Public Health and Evidence is a group of over 300 pediatricians and public health professionals who use knowledge and expertise to review AAP policies, guidelines, statements and other academic publications. Members have opportunities for special seminars and training and are eligible for special awards. Dues are $10 for all accepted national member types. Affiliate membership dues are $60. To become a member, visit or call the AAP Division of Member Services at 800-433-9016, ext. 5897.

Summer issue: Healthy Children magazine

The summer issue of Healthy Children, a digital-only magazine for smartphones and tablets, focuses on healthy families.

Topic highlights from the English and Spanish editions include the 2016 recommended immunization schedules; how to plan and shop for healthy foods on a budget and resources for families who need help; tips for helping families get more physically active and printable plans for each family member; expert information on long-term effects of stress during childhood with links to videos on building resilience in children and teens; and an article on when and where to seek help for children’s mental health.

Download the issue PDF or access the issue via iTunes or Google Play at This issue of Healthy Children e-magazine was supported by an independent grant from Merck.

Bullying prevention report

Although difficult to pinpoint, school-based bullying affects 18% to 31% of children and

youths, while cyberbullying affects 7% to 15%, according to a report from the Health and Medicine Division of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine.

Preventing Bullying through Science, Policy and Practice, at, looks at the levels of bullying based on peer group compositions, demographics, societal norms and technology. It refers to bullying as a “major public health problem that demands concerted and coordinated time and attention” of health care providers and communities. Risk factors, protective factors and latest science are reflected in the report, which was sponsored by eight government and non-profit foundations.

Neonatal-perinatal pioneers book

AAP Section on Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine members receive a free download of the e-book Pioneers in Neonatal/Perinatal Medicine. The 26-column compilation was edited by NeoReviews Editor-in-Chief Alistair G.S. Philip, M.D., FAAP, in celebration of NeoReviews’ 15th anniversary last year.

A glimpse into the lives of trailblazers in neonatal/perinatal medicine, including some of the first female neonatologists and perinatologists, the book was written mostly by their students who have continued to lead the profession. Dr. Philip notes in the foreword that the book allows young physicians to appreciate the contributions of giants in the field.

The AAP member price for those who are not section members is $33.95 (e-book and paperback). Order at or call 866-843-2271.

To join the section, visit or call the AAP Division of Member Services at 800-433-9016, ext. 5897.


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  • 2017 PREP: The Curriculum available for pre-order offers pediatric review to help you remain current in pediatrics and earn credit. Subscriptions begin in January,
  • 2016 coding webinars archived and available for purchase: Mastering Modifiers; Coding for Pediatric Preventive Services; ICD-10-CM: The Road So Far; and Understanding Evaluation and Management Coding in Pediatrics. Cost per webinar is $134.95,
  • Order the new AAP Textbook of Pediatric Care, 2nd Edition (includes print and e-book) along with a one-year subscription to Pediatric Care Online and save $75 (MA0824; members: $327),
  • Spanish for Pediatric Medicine: A Practical Communication Guide, includes audio clips (MA0446; members: $19.95),
  • Challenging Cases in Pediatric Diagnosis: Cases from Pediatrics in Review Index of Suspicion and Visual Diagnosis, (MA0792; members: $42.95),
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