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Pediatric Collections: Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)

With multiple respiratory viruses placing a strain on health care systems, especially children’s hospitals, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued an advisory that summarizes prevention and treatment measures. The CDC is tracking levels of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), influenza viruses, SARS-CoV-2 and rhinovirus/enterovirus. Respiratory viruses other than SARS-CoV-2 are hitting the nation early and hard, especially among children. Most regions are seeing an increase in RSV, with some already near seasonal peak levels usually observed in December or January. While activity seems to be plateauing in some places, the timing, intensity and severity of the current season remain uncertain. RSV can cause a fever, cough, fatigue, stuffy nose, shortness of breath, sneezing, fast/short breaths, flaring nostrils, wheezing and grunting, poor feeding/no appetite, and head bobbing or chest caving in between and under ribs with each breath. Symptoms of RSV usually are worst on days 3 through 5 and last about 5 to 7 days. The infection causes a cold, which may be followed by bronchiolitis or pneumonia. RSV is common in late fall through early spring. In 2021, however, the pandemic caused a strange thing to happen. The number of RSV infections and hospital rates went up in summer 2021 instead. Nearly all children get RSV by their second birthday.
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Mojan Azarmi, MD, Pediatric Hospital Medicine Fellow, Stanford University School of Medicine
Lauren Puckett, PharmD, BCIDP; Lauren E. Kushner, MD; Laura Bio, PharmD, BCPS, BCIDP; Sean Cornell, BSc; Matthew Wood, PhD; Hayden T. Schwenk, MD, MPH
Steve Schering, Staff Writer
Rachel Y. Moon, MD, FAAP, Associate Editor, Digital Media, Pediatrics
Mónica López-Lacort, MSc; Cintia Muñoz-Quiles, PhD; Ainara Mira-Iglesias, PhD; F. Xavier López-Labrador, PhD; María Garcés-Sánchez, MD, PhD; Begoña Escribano-López, MSc; Matilde Zornoza-Moreno, MD, PhD; Jaime Jesús Pérez-Martín, MD, MPH; Santiago Alfayate-Miguelez, MD; Antonio Iofrío-De Arce, MD; Eliseo Pastor-Villalba, MD; José Antonio Lluch-Rodrigo, MD; Javier Díez-Domingo, MD, PhD; Alejandro Orrico-Sánchez, PhD; on behalf of the MEDIPRIM network
Sarah Hinderstein; Elena Aragona, MD; Jaspreet Loyal, MD, MS
Sean T. O’Leary, MD, MPH
David W. Hutton, PhD; Lisa A. Prosser, PhD; Angela M. Rose, MPH; Kerra Mercon, MS; Ismael R. Ortega-Sanchez, PhD; Andrew J. Leidner, PhD; Meredith L. McMorrow, MD; Katherine E. Fleming-Dutra, MD; Mila M. Prill, MSPH; Jamison Pike, PhD; Jefferson M. Jones, MD, MPH
David W. Hutton, PhD; Lisa A. Prosser, PhD; Angela M. Rose, MPH; Kerra Mercon, MS; Ismael R. Ortega-Sanchez, PhD; Andrew J. Leidner, PhD; Meredith L. McMorrow, MD; Katherine E. Fleming-Dutra, MD; Mila M. Prill, MSPH; Jamison Pike, PhD; Jefferson M. Jones, MD
Melissa Jenco, Senior News Editor
Sean Stangland, Associate Editor
Elena Aragona, MD; Veronika Shabanova, PhD; Jaspreet Loyal, MD, MS
Melissa Jenco, Senior News Editor
Rachel Y. Moon, MD, FAAP, Associate Editor, Digital Media, Pediatrics
Deidre Wilkins, BSc; Ulrika Wählby Hamrén, PhD; Yue Chang, PhD; Lindsay E. Clegg, PhD; Joseph Domachowske, MD; Janet A. Englund, MD; William J. Muller, MD; Amanda Leach, MRCPCH; Elizabeth J. Kelly, PhD; Tonya Villafana, PhD, MPH
Melissa Jenco, News Content Editor
Melissa Jenco, News Content Editor
Joseph Domachowske, MD; Ulrika Wählby Hamrén, PhD; Irfana Banu, M.Pharm; Roberta Baronio, MSc; Bhanu Basavaraju, MD; Anthonet Koen, MD; Amanda Leach, MRCPCH; Vaishali S. Mankad, MD; Pia S. Pannaraj, MD; Pere Soler-Palacin, MD; Therese Takas, BSc; Masaaki Mori, MD; Tonya Villafana, PhD; MUSIC Study Group
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