Not long ago, I attended a stat cesarean delivery for the delivery of a depressed baby whose gestational age was too early for our community hospital without a neonatologist. I spent many hours over multiple days, nights, and weeks ruminating over this case. This is how I process events after the rare occasions I am handed a limp, apneic baby with a decreased heart rate.
I received the dreaded call from my level 2 NICU nurse. We are going back to the operating room (OR). The baby’s heart rate is down and is not going back up. People are hurrying but remain orderly. Anesthesia intubates the mom and initiates general anesthesia. The abdomen is splashed with betadine and the incision is made. The assisting obstetrician is facing me. She stares me straight in the eyes. I know the look. It is the look that things are bad. It is a...