It seems every time we approach a new year, the editorial board of Pediatrics makes a resolution (as is done this time of year) to continue to listen to your feedback and further improve the journal with new features and even better ways to bring you topical and relevant information through the print and online versions, as well as through the use of social media and other technologic communication advances.
To highlight our most recent changes, our editorial leadership team (10.1542/peds.2016-3348) offer a commentary highlighting a number of changes from the creation of a new “Family Partnerships” section (featuring articles written by a patient and/or a family member in conjunction with members of their health care team), to expanded publishing of full-text of articles that do not have an abstract in our print edition, as well as new online features such as “Custom Collections”. These changes and others can be learned about in our commentary being released this week.
Make a resolution to read this article and then hopefully continue to offer suggestions so that our journal provides you with what it is designed to do—provide new information to improve the way you practice which in turn can lead to bettering the lives of the children and families we serve. Happy New Year!