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A Special Commentary Strives to Unite All of Us with a Common Mission No Matter What Our Political Beliefs :

May 26, 2017

It is hard nowadays not to have a conversation with friends, family, colleagues, and maybe even patients about what is happening nationally. When one does, it often results in a divergence of opinion and political beliefs.  

It is hard nowadays not to have a conversation with friends, family, colleagues, and maybe even patients about what is happening nationally. When one does, it often results in a divergence of opinion and political beliefs.  Yet no matter where we stand on an issue, we can all be better at our ability to be tolerant of opinions that differ from our own and strive to understand how we can all do better at making sure the health of children and families do not suffer as a result of political division that has taken hold of our country.  For this reason and to demonstrate this desire for unity around the health of our children, a commentary by editors-in-chief of three of peer-reviewed journals (Academic Pediatrics, Journal of Adolescent Medicine, and Pediatrics) along with leaders representing the American Pediatric Society and the Society of Adolescent Medicine have come together to write an editorial commentary (10.1542/peds.2017-0741) on the importance of practical ways we can be even more tolerant and understanding in our professional and personal lives, so as to improve the health of children in this country and around the world.  We feel the message is so important that all three journals are publishing this editorial this month—and we hope that you will take some time to read this opinion piece and share your thoughts about this commentary through any of our journals publishing it, through this blog, or via our Facebook or Twitter websites.

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