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Thank You

January 20, 2022

We are still in a pandemic, largely following the same pattern of events described for the first wave, second wave, and third wave of the H1N1 influenza A virus, also known as the Spanish flu, that swept the world from 1918 through 1920. If history repeats itself, and it usually does, we only have six months to a year more to endure. Hang in there.

I welcomed 2021 with its pandemic in Pediatrics in Review a year ago, encouraging pediatricians to “learn more, teach more, act more, and become more.” Pediatricians did so valiantly, despite the increasing challenges of a questioning public. Those challenges and what it took for pediatricians to face them in 2021 was recognized and applauded by the American Academy of Pediatrics, whose Chief Executive Officer, Mark Del Monte, JD, wrote, “I want to take a moment to personally thank you, and echo the appreciation shared by members of the AAP Board of Directors… for continuing to do your job in unbelievable circumstances.”  

One disheartening circumstance was people from all parts of society doubting the science from which we base our care. Back in 1918, western society questioned the reliability of science’s recommendations for managing the Spanish flu. Physicians overcame the public's distrust over time, and we can do the same today by staying current on our medical knowledge while teaching and guiding all who care for children. We need to persevere.

Today’s news frequently reports how society is changing its values in part due to our coping with social distancing. Workplace structure and hours are disputed. Our future pediatricians may question how we practice medicine. Medical schools and residencies have transformed the way we educate students and residents. Teleconferences and telemedicine are increasingly used in teaching and in patient care, and it is difficult to predict how long this will continue after the pandemic is over. But it is certain how we practice pediatrics will change.

It has never been a better time for Pediatrics in Review to publish what pediatricians need to know and understand. The journal needs to be relevant for today’s and tomorrow’s practice. On behalf of our editorial board at Pediatrics in Review, I thank our readers for their confidence in us, for reading and using our journal, and for caring for children in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. Your suggestions, constructive criticisms, and submissions keep our journal readable and practical.  Because of you, the journal continues to grow and has expanded to 2.7 million online readers worldwide, downloading more than 700,000 articles annually.

New this year is the introduction of a chronic, complex care feature, acknowledging a growing need for pediatricians to know how to care for the increasing number of children in our practices with complex, chronic needs. These children deserve to become successful adults; the journal hopes to help. This quarterly feature may become a more frequent feature in the future.

Our "Index of Suspicion" (IOS) is probably our most popular feature.  Your case submissions continue to be numerous such that we published two IOS bonus supplements this past year to accommodate the many excellent patient presentations we accepted and believed had educational and practical value for our readers.  We occasionally receive a number of well-written cases that discuss the same disease yet demonstrate different aspects of that same disease. This coming year, we may group these cases into a “case series” that will serve as a continuing medical education review complete with CME questions.

In November 2021, AAP Publishing created the website AAP Publications ( If you haven't noticed, Pediatrics in Review relocated over 4,000 journal articles to that site. This new site now integrates all AAP journals, AAP News, Point-of-Care Solutions, and books, making it possible for you to access many AAP pediatric titles, including Pediatrics in Review, from a single location. Also integrated are the Pediatrics in Review’s CME quiz questions with the review articles to make them more accessible for you to claim credit. Pediatrics in Review is still available at The new platform gives the editors of Pediatrics in Review greater flexibility to provide you with value-added content to support you in your daily practice.

As history predicted, the pandemic is resolving, and the new year is promising. While 2021 was a tough year, Pediatrics in Review continued to create, support, and adapt, inspired by pediatricians who held their ground. It is because of you children benefited during this challenging time. All of us at Pediatrics in Review say thank you.

Contributing Authors to this Commentary:
Joseph Puskarz, Director, Journal Publishing
Heidi Willis, Managing Editor, CME Journals

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