With summer approaching again, certain traditions can be counted on: the smell of freshly cut grass, fun by the pool, summer grilling, and the return of the video bootcamp courtesy of NeoReviews and the AAP.
Every year videos from NeoReviews Video Corner segments are provided to participants of the simulation boot camp for first-year neonatal-perinatal fellows. The camp, now in its 10th year, is a multi-institution event held annually in Chicago, IL. Fellows from 9 universities in the mid-west attend the video boot camp every year. The fellows utilize articles found in the NeoReviews Video Library, with previously published videos going back to 2008. The program comprises a required pre-boot camp self-study and pretest based on the videos. After the event, a post-test helps assess first-year fellows' newfound skills and knowledge.
The procedural videos form the basis of the hands-on technical portions of the boot camp. The videos in the pre-course study include the following and more:
- Umbilical venous and arterial catheterization
- Pericardiocentesis, insertion of pigtail catheter
- Needle evacuation of pneumothorax
- Pericardiocentesis
- Exchange transfusion for neonatal jaundice
- Treatment of inspiratory stridor in the delivery room
- Delivery of a neonate with neural tube defect
In publication, NeoReviews Video Corner has enjoyed a great 2023 with Two Severely Edematous Infants, A Neonate with Obstructed Nasal Breathing, and A Neonate with Distinct Eye Movements.
The Video Corner in the June 2023 issue features a baby with a hoarse cry and stridor. The baby is evaluated and has a storage disorder resulting in cardiomyopathy, compression of the left recurrent laryngeal nerve, and vocal cord paralysis, resulting in the aforementioned hoarse cry and stridor. It is a very interesting case, and the authors have evaluated the infant methodically to arrive at the diagnosis.
If you have a case and a video that you think would make a great addition to NeoReviews Video Corner, please email our team for submission details.