What is your role with Pediatrics Open Science, the new open access journal from the American Academy of Pediatrics?
I support our editor-in-chief, fellow associate editors, managing editor, and most importantly our potential authors by coordinating timely and quality reviews of submitted manuscripts. I try to apply my years of experience as an author, editor, investigator, and active clinician!
What made you want to pursue a leadership role in journal publishing?
I recently undertook a major career move from leadership at Children's National Hospital in Washington, DC, to a non-leadership position at the University of Vermont. This move freed up lots of time for me to pursue a long-term and singular passion: facilitating the generation and distribution of quality scholarship in pediatrics!
What are your primary research interests?
For the last 25 years, I have been a patient-focused clinical and translational investigator generating evidence to improve the care and outcomes of under-resourced, urban, and largely Black and Hispanic children and adolescents with uncontrolled asthma. I founded and directed a matrixed program of care, research, and advocacy in Washington called “Improving Pediatric Asthma Care in the District of Columbia (IMPACT DC).”
What excites you about the field of pediatrics?
Great question! My answer is simple, the opportunity to contribute to a healthy lifetime!
Do you have any words of wisdom for future researchers?
I would quote the legendary hockey player Wayne Gretzky. I am paraphrasing, but instead of focusing on where the puck is now, try to focus on where the puck is going to be!
Why do you think open access is important for the future of pediatric research?
We need to make the literature transparently available to as many investigators, clinicians, advocates, and educators as possible.
What does a typical day in your work week look like?
I love my multifaceted job! I see patients, pursue research and programmatic efforts in my areas of interest, and participate in the mentorship and education of the next generation of pediatricians!
Submit your paper to Pediatrics Open Science today!