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January 5, 2016

With this issue of Pediatrics, we ring in the New Year with a new strategy for the print edition and an even more exciting set of possibilities for our online edition (the official version of our journal). As we discussed in a Commentary last October (REF), the fact that millions of readers turn to the online version of the journal to download....

With this issue of Pediatrics, we ring in the New Year with a new strategy for the print edition and an even more exciting set of possibilities for our online edition (the official version of our journal). As we discussed in a Commentary last October (REF), the fact that millions of readers turn to the online version of the journal to download or simply read articles, compared to our 70,000 subscribers who get a print version, and the fact that the print version has only had full-text of half the articles in a monthly issue (with all articles full-text on line) has prompted us to change our print content to being one page abstracts of all articles in the online version as well as full-text of all AAP policies and clinical reports.

Our online version will contain full-text of all studies and articles accepted for publication plus full-text as well of all AAP policies and clinical reports.  In addition, we will be using our online production processes to begin to early release studies almost every weekday rather than just weekly, a month in advance of official publication and to share our content with other AAP publications for readers to then select what they want to or need to read in our journal and other AAP journals through what we call “The Gateway”. 

If you haven’t discovered all the interesting content on The Gateway, give it a try and let us know what you think.  We think The Gateway is a unique and effective way that readers will use our peer-reviewed journal and other AAP scientific journals  to learn from and evidence-base their decision making—but what do you think?    
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