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The Message :

August 21, 2020

The news today is daunting. There is and will always be bad news. Also, there is and will (I trust) always be good news.

The news today is daunting. There is and will always be bad news. Also, there is and will (I trust) always be good news.

As adults, we will each decide which is which.

I can offer you the best news: We are pediatricians. Our job is to take care of the babies and children of the world. What a great job! Putting every effort we can into providing for and advocating for the well-being of all babies and children.

This does not mean that we become Pollyannas and turn our back on the bad. Or cease to work to change what needs to be changed. No, on the contrary, it means that we have to do everything we can to assure the health of every one of our children, to teach them to choose right over wrong, to be strong, good citizens of the world. Every interaction we have with our patients should be a lesson in kindness.

We should be kind. That is the message. I bet being kind is good for us, too.

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