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Pediatric Collections: Racism and Its Effect on Pediatric Health

The American Academy of Pediatrics recognizes the harm racism causes to infants, children, adolescents, and their families.1 To help further the understanding of the harm of racism and disparities associated with racism in health care delivery, and to identify opportunities to improve health outcomes by addressing racism, the editorial board of Pediatrics has compiled a collection of articles published over the last 10 years that focus on these critical issues. All articles in this collection are open access and free to anyone to read. We hope these articles inspire pediatricians, other clinicians who provide health care, trainees, and policy makers to consider what can be done to address racism and health disparities starting with each of us and extending to health care systems locally, nationally, and internationally. We also hope that these articles inspire partnerships, most importantly with families, to address the underlying issues that lead to disparities in care and health outcomes by race and ethnicity. This collection will continue to be updated as new articles are published. As editors, we are committed to providing the most up-to-date evidence-based peer-reviewed information that can help lead to a more just and equitable future for children and their families everywhere. Lewis R. First, MD, MS, Editor in Chief, Pediatrics Alex R. Kemper, MD, MPH, Deputy Editor, Pediatrics
Rupinder K. Legha, MD
Amanda A. Simard, MD; Emma Gerstenzang, MD; Sarah Gerstenzang, LCSW; Jocelyn Brown, MD, MPH, MS; Toni Cardenas, MSW, LCSW; Divya Lakhaney, MD; Aditi Vasan, MD, MSHP; Katherine A. Nash, MD, MHS
Animesh Sabnis, MD, MSHS; Kayla L. Karvonen, MD, MAS
Kavita Parikh, MD, MSHS; Maranda C. Ward, EdD, MPH; Matt Hall, PhD; Sunitha V. Kaiser, MD, MSc; Joel S. Tieder, MD, MPH
Shawnese Clark, MD, MPH; Alyssa Cohen, MD, MSc; Sarah B. Welch, MPH; Aleha Bate, MA; Ashaunta T. Anderson, MD, MPH, MSHS; Nathan Chomilo, MD; Jacqueline Dougé, MD, MPH; Myles Durkee, PhD; Iheoma U. Iruka, PhD; Monique Jindal, MD, MPH; Shawn C.T. Jones, PhD, MHS; Angie Li, BS; Aisha Arshad; Nia Heard-Garris, MD, MBA, MSc
Nassr Nama, MD, MSc; Preeti Panda, MD; Kimberly Montez, MD, MPH; Olubukola O. Nafiu, MD; Lewis R. First, MD, MS; Alex R. Kemper, MD, MPH, MS
Colin J. Orr, MD, MPH; Laurel K. Leslie, MD, MPH; Judy Schaechter, MD, MBA; Xavier J. Williams, MD, MPH; Kimberly G. Montez, MD, MPH; Jason F. Deen, MD; Yolanda N. Evans, MD, MPH; Christopher J. Russell, MD, MS; Jonathan Webb, MBA, MPH; Adriana R. Gaona, BS; Fernando S. Mendoza, MD, MPH
Aditi Vasan, MD, MS; George Dalembert, MD, MS; Arvin Garg, MD, MPH
Nathan T. Chomilo, MD
Ian Wolfe, PhD, MA, RN, HEC-C; Bryanna Moore, PhD; Lynn Bush, PhD, MS, MA; Angela Knackstedt, BSN, RN-BC; Sabrina Derrington, MD, MA, HEC-C; K. Sarah Hoehn, MD, MBe, FAAP; Liza-Marie Johnson, MD, MPH, MSB; Sarah Porter, MSW; Amy Caruso Brown, MD, MSc, MSCS, HEC-C, FAAP
Antwon Chavis, MD; DeOnna Johnson, MD
Tyler Rainer, MD; Jamie K. Lim, MD; Yuan He, MD, MPH; Joanna Perdomo, MD, MPH; Katherine A. Nash, MD, MHS; Caroline J. Kistin, MD, MSc; Destiny G. Tolliver, MD, MHS; Elizabeth McIntyre, JD; Heather E. Hsu, MD, MPH
Tamera Coyne-Beasley, MD, MPH, FAAP, FSAHM; Samantha V. Hill, MD, MPH, FAAP; Elizabeth Miller, MD, PhD, FSAHM; Maria Veronica Svetaz, MD, MPH, FAAFP, FSAHM
Cassie Kline, MD, MAS; Angela M. Ellison, MD, MSc
Yarden S. Fraiman, MD, MPH; Erika M. Edwards, MPH, PhD; Jeffrey D. Horbar, MD; Charles E. Mercier, MD; Roger F. Soll, MD; Jonathan S. Litt, MD, MPH, ScD
LaShyra T. Nolen, BS
Joseph L. Wright, MD, MPH; W. Christopher Golden, MD
Kasee L. Houston, MD, MPP; Valencia P. Walker, MD, MPH
Rachel E. Witt, MD; Mia Malcolm, BS; Bryanne N. Colvin, MD; Monique R. Gill, MA, LPC, NCC; Joel Ofori, BS; Shireen Roy, BS, MPH; Shannon N. Lenze, PhD; Cynthia E. Rogers, MD; Eve R. Colson, MD, MHPE
Monique Jindal, MPH, MD; Maria Trent, MPH, MD; Kamila B. Mistry, MPH, PhD
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