Integration Tools
Pediatric Patient Education content can be integrated by subscribing practices and institutions with their system(s) in a variety of ways to support both providers and patients/parents. We can help work with you, technical staff, and vendors to optimize productivity and use of the resources. This is a standard part of licensing AAP Point-of-Care Solutions tools. Please note that your vendor may require additional fees for the integration.
EMR/EHR Integration
AAP resources have been integrated and offered as links in several EMR/EHR systems for convenience of access and documentation. The AAP can also provide search protocols and site indexes to create InfoButton links, directing users to content for treatment, diagnosis, management, and delivering patient education via printout, e-mail, or patient portal. Circumstances vary based on the EMR/EHR system and the degree of customization allowed, as well as if an EMR/EHR has already integrated AAP resources or links.
EHR providers or health systems interested in licensing AAP content and/or integrating links for customer convenience can contact licensing here.
Website Integration
Group practices that license the content in Pediatric Patient Education (PPE), via Pediatric Care Online or Pediatric Patient Education, can connect patients and parents to the library of patient education handouts through their website. We can authenticate your users with referring URL so they do not need a login. Groups can add a search box and/or a list of specific handout links, or create a searchable index on their sites. See below.
HTML Integration of Pediatric Patient Education (PPE)
Search Box
Pediatric Patient Education search box can be added to your website so your users can search the AAP's library of patient education. Using the search box and clicking the “Go” button takes the user to the PPE search results page. The HTML can be edited as needed to match your website design.
* This feature is available to group practices/clinics that subscribe to Pediatric Care Online or Pediatric Patient Education. Referring URL authentication with the site where links are posted is required for users to access full content. For the integration option, referring URL or IP authentication may be appropriate, depending on the use.
Handout Links
This HTML displays categories and the top 3 handouts for each one. Current list contains multiple categories, but users may omit categories and/or select different handouts by editing the HTML. The HTML can be edited as needed to match your website design.