Pinkeye (acute contagious conjunctivitis) occurs when the thin tissue covering the white part of the eye and the inside of the eyelids is red or swollen (inflamed).

Pinkeye may be caused by bacteria or viruses. Pinkeye may also be caused when one eye or both eyes are in contact with things that can irritate the eyes, such as swimming pool chlorine, pollen, and sand. This publication will focus on bacterial pinkeye and viral pinkeye. Both are contagious and can spread easily in schools and child care settings.

Read on to learn more from the American Academy of Pediatrics about the signs and symptoms of pinkeye, how pinkeye is treated, and how to limit the spread of pinkeye.

Signs and symptoms of pinkeye can vary depending on the cause. In general, here are signs to look for in one eye or both eyes.

Also, ask your child whether his...

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