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(floo oh SIN oh nide)

Brand Names: US

  • Vanos

Therapeutic Category

  • Adrenal Corticosteroid
  • Anti-inflammatory Agent
  • Corticosteroid, Topical
  • Glucocorticoid

Medication Safety Issues

Sound-alike/look-alike issues:

Fluocinonide may be confused with flunisolide, fluocinolone

Lidex may be confused with Lasix, Videx

Pediatric patients: High-risk medication:

KIDs List: Medium, high, and very high potency topical corticosteroids, when used in neonates and infants <1 year of age for diaper dermatitis, are identified on the Key Potentially Inappropriate Drugs in Pediatrics (KIDs) list; use should be avoided due to risk of adrenal suppression; systemic absorption is higher in pediatric patients than adults (strong recommendation; low quality of evidence) (PPA [Meyers 2020]).

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