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(BENZ troe peen)

Brand Names: US

  • Cogentin [DSC]

Therapeutic Category

  • Anti-Parkinson's Agent
  • Anticholinergic Agent
  • Antidote, Drug-induced Dystonic Reactions

Medication Safety Issues

Sound-alike/look-alike issues:

Benztropine may be confused with bromocriptine

Older Adult: High-Risk Medication:

Beers Criteria: Benztropine (oral) is identified in the Beers Criteria as a potentially inappropriate medication to be avoided in patients 65 years and older due to its highly anticholinergic properties. It is not recommended for the prevention or treatment of extrapyramidal symptoms with antipsychotics. In the treatment of Parkinson disease, more effective agents are available (Beers Criteria [AGS 2023]).

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